
List of Top 10 Mistakes Commercial Tenants Make

fadmin • June 13, 2013

1.    Starting the renewal or new premises negotiations too late.

2.    Not defining a clear real estate brief.

3.    Putting too much emphasis on financial cost alone.

4.    Failure to appoint a clear internal decision-maker and point of contact.

5.    Making incorrect or inaccurate estimations of space requirements.

6.    Not leaving sufficient time at the end of the lease to allow time to properly fulfill make-good obligations.

7.    Acting too slowly once a decision is made on premises, consequently missing out on opportunities.

8.    Agree to terms prior to obtaining professional space planning (from an interior designer or the like).

9.    Failing to allow enough space for future growth.

10. Not realising that the best deals are often secured well in advance of the space actually becoming available on the open market.

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