Thanks Lesli for your emails in relation to planning and taxes.
In relation to planning, as Liberals we trust people and want to empower them to make decisions. Simply, local decision-making delivers better outcomes for local communities.
A future NSW Liberals & Nationals Government is committed to:
1. Returning planning controls to local residents;
2. Scrapping Part 3A;
3. Re-writing the State’s planning legislation;
4. Appointing a Minister for Planning and Infrastructure;
5. Appointing a separate Minister for Heritage; and
6. Implementing campaign finance reforms.
I have also shared your email with Brad Hazzard MP, Shadow Minister for Planning and Infrastructure.
In relation to State taxes, I appreciate your detailed thoughts and analysis about a review- which I have referred to Mike Baird MP, Shadow Treasurer, for his information.
For your information, in my budget reply speech I announced a NSW Liberals & Nationals Government will establish Restart NSW , a capital fund to build essential infrastructure including public transport, roads and infrastructure to support people working in front line services. The fund will have a specific mandate to grow economic productivity in NSW and a clear goal of lifting NSW economic growth to above the national average.
Restart NSW will fund projects such as:
Restart NSW will be funded from:
I will keep you informed of any upcoming NSW Liberals & Nationals announcements.
You can view positive and practical plans and policies in greater detail to Make NSW Number 1 Again on my website at
Barry O’Farrell MP
NSW Leaser of the Opposition
August, 2010