The Leader of the Opposition
Barry O’Farrell MP
Dear Barry,
I have followed with interest the Commonwealth Government’s Henry Review of Taxation, which of course necessarily touched on the inefficiencies of many State Taxes. As far as I am aware, the Henry Review failed to comprehensively review the following:
It seems to me there is an opportunity for you to announce the following policy initiatives:
From a policy perspective, I think insufficient focus has been placed on State taxes and just as importantly it is expenditure as well as revenue raising that must be critically and impartially assessed.
From a political perspective, I think some of the advantages of announcing a review into State Taxation are as follows:
Of course, announcing a review into expenditure will assist your economic credibility, particularly if you are serious about funding large scale infrastructure projects without raising unsustainable sums of public debt.
From my experience there is a serious question mark regarding the work ethic of many public servants at a State and Local level. Perhaps, as part of a detailed expenditure review it would be sensible to include terms of reference to review the productivity, performance and work culture of the public service. The goal would be to devise new systems and means of improving the productivity and performance of the public service both at the State and Local government level, without necessarily increasing expenditure.
Kind regards,
Lesli Berger
General Manager
Fivex Commercial Property
W: 02 8920 1233